Neptune's Tiger History Team: Week 11 Day 1

Week 11 Day 1

1. What was the topic of the day and what important parts were learned? Demonstrate understanding and application.

Today we did some research and the teacher explained about the rise of the dictators, we had to take down notes and here are some notes that we took down in our coursework file : 

 o   An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization

Coup d’état
  o    A sudden, violent rebellion to the 

The greater East Asia co-prosperities 

Fascism was the answer to communism, not democracy.
  o   Fascism was the opposite of democracy. In democracy the people are higher than the government. The people can do what they want, as long it won’t provoke war or actions against the law

Communist dictatorship
o   Stalin killed more people than Hitler in WWII

2. Critical thinking: was there a discussion? BHQ's? Give an analysis and evaluation; compare and contrast the scenario and find evidence of it happening elsewhere? Demonstrates analysis and evaluation.

There was a discussion between our group to discuss the dictators. We had to teach each other too about the dictators, especially hitler. We were asked to do so in  order to teach another student new items and make them have a better understanding towards the topic given. 

3. What was done, who did it and how was it assessed?

We had to write the answer to the question that mr.rick had give us all with a time of 10 minutes or so. The time that we had was limited and yet we argued about the question and the answer all at once. 

4. How was the team performance? What can be done to improve (how are we implementing Kaizen daily).

The team performance was fairly good enough to the point where we can finish our works and the answer the question nicely. The time that we had was limited and we can always improve by just searching more informations regarding the questions and answers. Overall, we can improve by listening to each other and writing down what we dont know.

this is one of our team mates discussing the topic given

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