Neptune's Tiger History Team: Week 10 Day 2

Week 10 Day 2

1. What was the topic of the day and what important parts were learned? Demonstrate understanding and application.

In this day of the class, we had our unit exam. The exam covers the Treaty of Versailles (TOV), the triple entente, triple alliance and anything else related with those topics. We can't discuss, let alone talk to other people until everyone had finished the unit exam. If you talk to other people, even though you are finished, you'll get an instant 0. The unit exam is paper based, and after you finish the exam, you get to play the war game again.

2. Critical thinking: was there a discussion? BHQ's? Give an analysis and evaluation; compare and contrast the scenario and find evidence of it happening elsewhere? Demonstrates analysis and evaluation.

We didn't discuss anything, since we were all doing the test quietly, and after that, we had to play the war game and at least reach level 2 in the game. Some people had to ask others about the game since the game was quiet difficult for them to understand the game. Even so, some people who were still doing the test only had a range of 15 minutes only. All the questions given are based on the questions that each team gave to Mr.Rick last Wednesday.

3. What was done, who did it and how was it assessed?

There was nothing done, excluding the small discussions that was held regarding the games, not the test. We had to discuss quietly since some people still don't understand the tactics and how to play the game. We had to reach level 2 when the day ends.

4. How was the team performance? What can be done to improve (how are we implementing Kaizen daily).

The team performance was okay, there was nothing to be judged on that day based on the team performance since we didn't really do anything as a team, except for discussing about the game that each student have to finish. Overall, I feel that the team performance that our team has is still going strong, and we still can discuss and take in each others opinion well enough to reach a conclusion together as a team.

This is one of the reflection from our team mates :
Michelle: The test was kind of easy,  since this was an LOT test. Mr Rick gave us the questions beforehand and we just need to research about it and place it in out coursework file. But I don't think that a HOT test will be as easy as this...

This is one of our team mates after we have finished doing the exam and is working on reaching level 2 in the war game

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