Neptune's Tiger History Team: Week 15 Day 1

Week 15 Day 1

Today we deepen the knowledge of writing a describe question. This will be our last day practicing describe question before we actually faced our exam.

The question today is the same like last week. We are given 10 min to answer the question, and after that we checked other group's answers.

After actually reviewing over and over, im starting to doubt if im actually going to pass this exam or not...

1. What was the topic of the day and what important parts were learned? Demonstrate understanding and application.
How to write a describe question
2. Critical thinking: was there a discussion? BHQ's? Give an analysis and evaluation; compare and contrast the scenario and find evidence of it happening elsewhere? Demonstrates analysis and evaluation.
Discussions are in our drive, in our document.
3. What was done, who did it and how was it assessed?
it was assesed using google drive
4. How was the team performance? What can be done to improve (how are we implementing Kaizen daily).
We are all doing our work based on our assigned role

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