Neptune's Tiger History Team: week 16 day 1

week 16 day 1

1. What was the topic of the day and what important parts were learned? Demonstrate understanding and application.

For week 16 day 1, we had to answer some questions as a group to prepare the IT based exam that is going to be held next week. These are all the questions that we did through the 1 hour of class

1. Know what caused the world economic depression of the 1930s. 

2. Know how many people were unemployed in Germany in 1932. 

3. Know what the feelings were of the German people and the world
toward the treatment of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. LAGER

4. Know what the political weaknesses were of the Weimar Republic. 

5. Know what were the economic problems were of the Weimar Republic. 

6. Know which two sources or groups that produced the most effective
propaganda against the Weimar Republic. 

7. Know why the appeal of Hitler and the Nazis increased between 1929

8. Know about Adolf Hitler’s family background: father and mother, siblings and their
relationships with Hitler. 

9. Know the results of Hitler’s applications to the Academy Of Fine Arts Vienna in 1907 and

10. Know what happened to Adolf Hitler during WW1. 

11. Know the abbreviations of the different political parties during the periods.

12. Know when Hitler appionted Chancellor of Germany. 

13. Know Adolf Hitler's title in Nazi germany?

14. Know the national German Slogan during the Nazi Regime. 

15. Know the BIG 4 under Hitler and their functions in government or military: Heinrich Himmler, Herman Goering, Martin Bormann, Joesef Goebbels. 

16. Know about Kristalnacht

17. Know about Volksgemeinschaft 

18. Know about Hitler’s territorial re-acquisitions in the 1930’s (German lands taken during ToV)

19. Know the general terms of The Treaty of Versailles, especially as to limitations of the
German military.

20. Know the reasons and issues concerning the hyper-inflation of 1923. 

21. Know how long Hitler envisioned the Third Reich lasting.

22. Know about the Kapp and Beer Hall Putsches. 

23. Know about the SS.

24. Know about the Polish Corridor issue and the city of Danzig.

25. Know about the agreement Hitler had with the Pope on church issues.

26. Know about the economic recovery programs by the Nazis: SdA, KdF, RAD

We had to answer these question since some of them might appear on the IT based exam that is going to be held weeks from now.

2. Critical thinking: was there a discussion? BHQ's? Give an analysis and evaluation; compare and contrast the scenario and find evidence of it happening elsewhere? Demonstrates analysis and evaluation.

There was some discussion regarding the questions and answers given. Some of us debated on what we had to answer, and how. We had to divide the questions so that it can be even for the 5 of us and we do it together in the drive. There was some arguments regarding the answers that each of us had given. Some didn't agree and others say their own opinion.

3. What was done, who did it and how was it assessed?

We were debating since some answers were wrong, even though around 2 people from our group said it was right. In the end, we discussed together to reach to the right answer and we wrote it on the drive. Before that, we searched all the questions on the internet and wrote some notes, so that we can answer the questions together.

4. How was the team performance? What can be done to improve (how are we implementing Kaizen daily).

The team performance was fairly poor, we can't really agree on one answer, we keep debating on the answer given, even the questions. The time limit that we had was limited so we had to agree on one answer that we think was right. Overall, I think that we need to improve our teamwork, so that we don't run out of time when doing our work and projects.

This picture is showing the discussion that was held on this day

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