Neptune's Tiger History Team: Week 7 Day 2

Week 7 Day 2

For today, Mr. Rick told us about the terms of the ToV and why it's a mistake. He told us that the Big Three (USA, UK, and France) met at Versailles, France and created the ToV. Here's some of the terms of the ToV:

1) No German troops allowed in Rhineland
2) German army cut to 100,000 men.
3) The german navy was only allowed to have 6 battleship.

Then we have the LdL Teaching and Mr. Rick told us that we must finish the home work which is the Battlefield Academy game.

1. What was the topic of the day and what important parts were learned? Demonstrate understanding and application.

Today, we learned to answer a question for the exam that is going to held a few weeks from now and we have to follow a certain format that is given out by Mr. Rick in schoology. There are several formats that we have to follow and we have to follow the format given to get a full grade. 

2. Critical thinking: was there a discussion? BHQ's? Give an analysis and evaluation; compare and contrast the scenario and find evidence of it happening elsewhere? Demonstrates analysis and evaluation.

There was a discussion held regarding the question that we, as a team, have to answer the questions together in one piece of paper. It has to be as the format or we wont get the full mark, which is 7, at first, we got around 3-4 because we followed the format a bit but failed to put the sources in the whole 3 paragraph, it downgraded our scores. 

3. What was done, who did it and how was it assessed?

We had to answer the question that was given by Mr.Rick. We only have one piece of paper that has the question. We can't just answer the question individually. We debated on the answer that we want to give for about 2 minutes and agreed on one. The question that we have to answer is 'Was the TOV a mistake?'. In the end, we manage to answer the question and we got a pretty good grade for it.

4. How was the team performance? What can be done to improve (how are we implementing Kaizen daily).

The team performance for this day was the best so far from all the weeks and classes that we have done because I feel that we have communicated as a team, not just in bbm or any other social networks but we communicated face-to-face and it worked well for our team. Overall, this is the best teamwork so far. 

This is us discussing the question together and even researching some events and sources

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